glass screen in doctors surgery

What are Healthcare associated infections (HCAI)?

A Healthcare associated infection is an infection that occurs in a healthcare environment, such as a hostpital, that the patient didn't have prior to their arrival. Examples of HCAI are MRSA, Clostridium difficile, Norovirus and Seasonal influenza (flu). See the NHS website for more information on Healthcare associated infections.

How can we help prevent HCAI?

We can provide and install Infection Prevention Control (IPC) glass screens in your premises. Glass screens create a barrier between people and help reduce and prevent the spread of diseases such as the flu and other viruses. Our glass screens can also be fitted with specially designed communication zones to allow conversation and small items to be passed back and forth. A glass screen will also protect against Physical attacks where a sick person may touch, spit or attempt to harm another person.

glass screen in doctors surgery
social distance glass screen

Social Distancing Screens

Our glass screens are an excellent method of creating social distancing by separating people in a healthcare environment. A glass screen is ideal where it is not always possible to keep to social distancing requirements. The glass screens create a physical barrier preventing touch and viruses transmitted through close contact and droplets in the air caused by coughing or sneezing. Our screens provide an effective virus control screen that are wipable and easy to clean.

Sneeze Screens

Our glass screens are an excellent way to prevent transmission of diseases that spread via sneezing, coughing or other bodily fluids in the air. Glass screens help socially distance staff members, clients and other visitors to your premises to better prevent HCAI. Sneezing generates a large quantity of droplets in the atmosphere, which can spread disease. A glass screen can prevent this transmission and significantly reduce the chances of infecting others.

Unlike a fabric screen, a glass screen is a solid barrier that does not require removal to clean. Cleaning our glass screens is easy without causing disruption or any temporary removal of the barrier.

protective sneeze screens
social distance glass screen

Covid-19 Screens

It is thought that the corona virus spreads by touch, coughing and sneezing. Our glass screens create a barrier, which can help prevent the spread of the corona virus in hospitals and doctors surgeries. Our glass screens will protect not just now, but also any future pandemics or outbreaks too. The glass is strong and durable and can provide a hygenic barrier to distance people safely. Our protection screens are available in both clear or coated to provide privacy.